Sunday, February 21, 2010

On the Ground, Oops There Goes Your Pants! - Blog Off

Every Saturday night millions of women around the world will be waxing, shaving, plucking, dying, bathing, coating themselves with an amazing amount of sprays and lord only knows what else only so they can in their own way express themselves to their mate or potential mate. Often this ritual will involve showing a bit or in some cases a lot of cleavage, sparkled with glitter, perfumed and teasing with a bit of fun coloured lace.

But, when it comes to men I am totally clueless. What do men do to court their lovers? A shave, shower, and beer? Do they iron their shirts and wash their jeans? What exactly is the male pre-mating ritual?

I really didn’t know, until General Larry Platt.

Platt the 2010 American Idol sensation performed the song Pants on the Ground… lookin’ like a fool with your pants on the ground. Until this grandfather rang those words out around the world and, amazingly at 62 years of age did the splits, I hadn’t really noticed how many men trot around with their pants nearly on the ground.

I totally missed the 2010 Grammy Hip Hop performance of Drake, Eminem and Lil’Wayne. I heard them sing and it is my belief it was quite good but the whole time I was on the edge of my seat thinking “wardrobe malfunction… those boys are going to lose their pants!”

How does one walk around with their pants nearly on the ground and seriously not have them fall off? I mean is there some tricky little gait one has to have? Some special little wiggle? Duck tape? Has someone ever really dropped their pants? And, if so was it documented?

Seriously check it out. It is easy to do. The next time you are in a shopping mall, look around at the number of men walking around with their pants on the ground. It will blow your mind. So, thank you General Larry Platt, not only to I have this crazy song, Pants on the ground, lookin like a fool with your pants on the ground buzzing around in my head, I am now find myself wanting to yank up the pants of complete strangers, an act that could seriously get me into A LOT of trouble.

Of course I am curious. So, today I tried walking around with my pants on the ground. Okay that just takes talent. Try it, that’s right give it whirl, trust me you will have a whole new appreciate for this form of expression. Because at some moment while laughing my head off in the kitchen with my pants hanging what I consider an abnormal fashion making breakfast something clicked, Is wearing your pants on the ground the same as showing a bit of cleavage?

Sing your song of possibility... think... create... imagine...
create... express.
Be sure to visit Busty's response to my picture you'll like it.

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1 comment:

Busty (no pun intended...) said...

It was Songbird's idea to start this Blog-Off in the first place. While she was explaining the idea to me an image of a guy 'cracking a smile' popped into my head immediately - who knows why! I couldn't wait to see what Songbird would come up with as a blog entry - she didn't disappoint!