Sunday, November 7, 2021

Saturday Night Blue Sky

After a night of being in resistance with editing the video Is the Sky Blue, I awoke to thoughts about the past, as in the last century, particularly during the Christmas Holidays and the delight of a radio station, a boom box, and other bits of plastic. 

Welcome to planet earth humans, you are here to create. 

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Is The Sky Blue?

It has been some time since I have done a video. Worst video editing ever! Apologies believe I am a bit out of practice and was experiencing technical difficulties. So, relax and roll with the organic raw nature of the presentation and invitation.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Storytelling Runs in Our DNA

Last week my mom sent me a post from VegWorld magazine. 

Turns out the article was written by my cousin Haleyna Kociuk-Garza. 

Storytelling, writing, creativity, runs in our DNA. 
