Monday, May 13, 2019

Note to Self: Wishful Thinking

Thoughts on moving from Wishful Thinking into Creative Action.... warning physics ahead!

(I look like I am making a wish waiting for the camera to start rolling... insert emoji here!)


thInQ: Trust Your Mouth

The consciousness of a human being is what comes out of your mouth. L. Carroll.

At first, I did not see how this quote was related to the subject I wanted to discuss; trust vs. hope and the process of creation, but it does.

Consider for a moment your “bucket” list of experiences you have tucked away in your mind, written on a piece of paper stuck in an envelope labeled to review in five years or typed out somewhere on your phone. Some of you may even have done a vision board or two. I am guilty of all the above. 

Do you hope these experiences will happen? Or do you trust that they will happen?

While you may want to trust it will happen, most may lean towards the latter part of the above paragraph with hope.

The answer lies within our language.  How do you talk to yourself or others about your bucket list of experiences? An example would go something like this: I hope to visit the Yukon someday or do you say I trust I will visit Yukon in the next five years. 

It’s a simple activity but powerful.

Every day we are, as human beings, actively creating what is going on in our inner world, not only with thoughts and actions by with the very words we speak.

Observe your next conversation. What comes out of your mouth hope or trust?

-    thInQ About It

Song In My Head: You Can't Handle The Truth

The world coherence as defined by the Google dictionary is a noun which means:

1. the situation when the parts of something fit together in a natural or reasonable way

2. a clear relationship between parts. 

Thus, continuing the simple discussion getting from point A to B  highlighted in the previous video post, coherence plays a significant action part in the creative experience.

Surprise! Not a song this time, however, since "truth" is a buzz word these days. Whose truth are you going to believe? This is a great video on the explanation of coherence and truth. It is part of a series You Can't Handle the Truth by