Sunday, August 19, 2012

White Flower

Photo by Lisa I. McCausland

Whoosh -
A fairy rushed by me today.
At sixty miles per hour.
In her tiny hand, she held real tight
A beautiful white flower.

The glint in her eye, as she danced on by
No one could mistake her joy.
For today was the day she earned her wings
In her hand
A white graduation flower.

Whoosh -
There she goes again!
Faster and faster, she turns and spins
Up and down and all around
Hanging on to that lovely white flower.

What a wonderful site,
The splash of white.
Fluttering about the ground.
She's earned her wings, jigs, and sings.
In her hand, a perfect white flower.
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Monday, August 13, 2012

Hmmm.... Beam Me Up Scotty

English: An overview of the structure of DNA.
English: An overview of the structure of DNA. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
All the technology that has been developed in the last 20 years is honestly at times overwhelming.

Truthfully, I admit, there have been moments when I wonder if the opportunity to "beam me up Scotty" will be available during my life time. It is on the Bucket List.

It seems of late scientists are determined to create computers that move and act like humans.  A good thing. Those advancements have helped to develop, for example, much needed prosthetics for those who need them.  

There is, however, a part of the "humanoid development" that seems kind of creepy. Why do they have to look human?

Are we not satisfied with who we really are? Is there some kind of silent hidden hope that these androids will do better than humanity? Moreover, what if the whole thing goes rogue?

What if we looked at ourselves in another way. 

What if the coolest computer of them all was indeed ourselves? What if we are already spiritual beings housed in biological computers - this thing called our bodies?  And, that we are in complete control of them? What if this experience we call “life” is just like a computer game? Each of deciding what it is we are here to learn, experience, love, and create?

What then?

Before I jotted down these few idle and random thoughts I did a google search. Just to see what was out there on the subject.  Not a lot. Brain vs Computer... Computer Chips Takes on DNA... the first image that came to mind was Seven of Nine. Yikes! No thanks.

Why do we want a computer to act just like our brains? Doesn’t that defeat the whole purpose of life? Are we that afraid to explore our own human potential that we try and experience it once again outside ourselves? The bigger question on my mind is who benefits from this?

Kibitzing with my friends over a glass of wine we got to asking ourselves this question:  how come people in the Bible live to be 800 years old and we seem to only manage to get to 80? Was that a typo?

I laugh - of course - because God knows I am a professional at them! But you think someone would have caught it in the last oh I dunno 2,000 plus years. So, there has to be some form of truth to it -right? Since everything on the Internet is true – the same also must be for the Bible.

Am I going to get zapped by lightning anytime soon? Nope – keep typing.

Seriously though: what if we could live to be 800 years old?

As the conversation went I on I suggested – well - it would give a whole new meaning to dating. Imagine being 250 years old and sharing with your friends, “Oh did I tell you I am dating a younger man – he just celebrated his 100th birthday. Not sure if it will work out, there is such a huge age gap.”

So, tell me what if you had that much control over yourself? Control over a biological computer and the software that goes into it and, that you could live to be 800 years old;what would you really become then? 

Hmmmm. Beam Me Up Scotty.

ThInQ About It! I 2 I

The Killers as posted on Youtube throw some of these questions around with their song Human. Enjoy.

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Nature's Poetry

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Nature's Poetry

It's International... What Day Is It Again?

English: SVG replacement of :Image:Calendar ic...
English: SVG replacement of :Image:Calendar icon.jpg used in Template:Holiday-stub. Made entirely by myself. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Today is International Youth Day! The theme is "Building a Better World: Partnering with Youth." 

So, I got to thinking.


When are we going to celebrate International Middle Aged Women's Day? With the theme being "Making a Better Universe: Been Putting Up With This For I Don't Know How Many Years And It Never Gets Any Better, SO Now Get Out There And Just Fix It - No Excuses - Thanks."


So, next generation of creators make your mark 'cause here is what I already know: you will indeed create a better world. And, that is why International Youth Day is a good thing. (A little secret for a great big head start: it all starts from within - daily - internationally - within everyone.)

But, then again, it's just my Opinion.

In the meantime, the Edge of Seventeen with Stevie Nicks as posted on Youtube is a good brainstorming tune. Enjoy!

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