Thursday, March 10, 2011

Tell Me Are We Equals?

In honour of International Women's Day.

Are We Equals? As posted on Youtube.

ThInQ About It

Saturday, March 5, 2011

80 cents, Where Are Our Senses?

Lady Gaga performing "You and I" on ...Image via WikipediaAccording to Info Please, in the United States women make $0.80 for every $1.00 that a man makes.

Does that mean the Ophra, Pink, Hilary Clinton, Lady Gaga, Maria Shriver, Beyounce, and Madeline Albright are all earning 20% than their male counterparts?

The President of the United States of America is African-American.

Egypt just liberated itself - peacefully.

Via the internet you can be anywhere in world in seconds.

People enjoy freedoms and can experience more opportunities than ever before.

Since one technically can’t live without the other, men and women, I am curious as to why we are still having this conversation.

Do women give to this world 20% less than men? I don't think so, but maybe we should start!

Rather and swooning to the tune I am Woman by Helen Reddy maybe it’s time for a remix of an old rock favourite Were Not Gonna Take It by Twisted Sister, Pink – Lady Gaga?

But, then again, it’s just my Opinion, what's yours. ThInQ About It.

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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Goals, Objectives, and Murphy’s Law

A complete weight training workout can be perf...Image via Wikipedia
You may want to even consider training for something. Sometimes it is easier to exercise when you have an objective. – Paul Plakas

I have difficulties setting personal goals. Bizarre for a person whose training and education is grounded in planning and yet whenever I set any kind of goal for myself rather than clients my world spins immediately out of control. Trust me I have analyzed this until the cows come home.

The fall of 2009 was to prove that right yet again.

After finishing off a really terrific summer of biking up to 12 kms a day. I had innocently and enthusiastically set a goal for the falling summer, I was going to double up the number of kilometres.

There is no need to go into detail about what happened but the following summer did not go the way I had anticipated. Bottom line my doctor forbade me to bike ride for more than 10 minutes.

Gggrrr. The summer flew by along with my fitness goal. Out of shear frustration, no frustration had nothing to do with it I got pissy... mom I know that is a bad word... and re-joined the gym on September 10th.

Needless to say by the time I signed the contract I was really out of shape.

When getting started there were three things trolling around in my mind: get the cardio improved, get busy with the weights, and continue with the physiotherapy moves I had learned over the winter.

Everything went along swimmingly. By December I had increased the weights three times and was up a half hour of steady aerobic exercise.

I was also aware that the there was a strong possibility that I could be over compensating on my right side due to the collection of injuries on my left. Rather than changing up the routine and increasing the weight training yet again it was time to narrow in on those crazy injuries.

Enter Paul Plakas, fitness trainer and cast member the Gemini Award winning show X Weighted. Appreciating his no nonsense approach to helping other achieve their fitness goals I was pretty confident he knew what he was doing and ordered up a customized program.

A few weeks ago in an email exchange Paul suggested that I train for something. He also said the word, objective. Lord that means goal.

I cringed. As soon as I do this Murphy’s Law is going to rear its head and something is bound to go off the rails.

I thought about it. A lot. Something clicked.

What if the goal isn’t about fitness? What if this whole crazy journey is about something else?

Maybe the goal is: to experience determination. With the objective being whatever I decide to do no matter what, it is going to happen; the plan, in this case, being to train and accomplish a fitness target that is just out of my reach.

Next question, “Can you train to wear high heels?"

Not sure if that will cut the Paul Plakas test.

Second thought, how about climbing garbage hill with expiring?

No that isn’t probably going do it either, that should probably be part of the training.

Then I asked myself, “What is the one fitness thingy that has always been your true nemesis?”

The answer: the Turtle's Back.

Located in southwest Manitoba, the Turtle's Back is a 2,238 foot peak located in the Turtle Mountains. The hike is 5 km and takes two hours – up hill. The worst part is there a half a kilometre climb at 45 degrees to the summit. Since the Ice Age this hill has been a landmark for travellers, I grew up under it shadow. I also absolutely hate hiking up that mountain. However, I am determined no matter what to spend the next six months training and preparing to climb that crazy Mountain with ease - once and for all - September 2011.

Setting goals, objectives, and executing plans is a fairly straight forward process but when something named Murphy becomes your constant companion maybe the true goal is lurking in the Shadows waiting to see the light of day.

ThInQ About It

And to get this party started how about a little Thunderstruck by ACDC as posted on YouTube.

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